On Thursday, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu unveiled India’s first indigenous Monkeypox (Mpox) RT-PCR kit. This kit, a significant development in epidemic preparedness, was developed by Transasia Diagnostics at Andhra Pradesh Medtech Zone in Visakhapatnam.
Development and Validation:
The Monkeypox RT-PCR kit has been validated by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO). This validation ensures that the kit meets high standards of accuracy and reliability.
A Milestone for Andhra Pradesh:
Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu expressed pride in launching the kit, stating, “Proud to launch India’s first indigenous monkeypox RT-PCR Kit.” He highlighted that the kit’s lyophilized components are designed to be suitable for shipping and use even in remote areas, making it a practical tool for widespread testing.
Enhancing Epidemic Preparedness:
According to the CM, this indigenous kit significantly boosts epidemic preparedness by providing precise, reliable, and accessible diagnosis. It is a testament to Andhra Pradesh’s capability and innovation in the healthcare sector.
Global Impact:
Naidu further noted that the launch of this kit puts the ‘Make in AP (Andhra Pradesh)’ initiative on the world stage, showcasing India’s leadership in healthcare innovation.