The National Health Authority (NHA) under its flagship scheme Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) introduced ABHA-enabled faster OPD registration service for patients via Scan & Share functionality. The service, which was started from a single hospital in New Delhi in October 2022, has now been adopted in 300+ health facilities across 32 states in India.
The Scan and Share service has now hit another milestone and has already helped more than 50 lakh patients to save their time and efforts by enabling instant registration for OPD consultations. The states of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Karnataka are among the leading states which are using this facility for providing better service delivery to patients.
Patients can directly share their ABHA profile with the hospital
The Scan and Share functions on a simple modality of QR-code-based direct information sharing. The participating hospitals display their unique QR codes at their patient registration counters. The patients use their smartphones to scan the QR codes using a supported mobile app for the service (currently available in the ABHA app, Aarogya Setu, Driefcase, Paytm, Bajaj Health and Ekacare).
The patient then creates their ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) or logs in to their existing ABHA account. After logging in, patients can directly share their ABHA profile with the hospital to complete their registration without having to fill out the form physically.
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This paperless registration results in instant token generation thereby helping the patient skip the long queue by simply using their ABHA. Currently, the Scan and Share service is available at 1746 participating hospitals across the country. Among many other hospitals, the top 5 performing hospitals of Abha-based scan and share are: AIIMS New Delhi- 1,89,716, Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital, Prayagraj, UP- 1,29,452, AIIMS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh- 1,11,926, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, Khordha, Odisha-90,808, Lok Bandhu Rajnarayan combined hospital, Lucknow UP- 90,302.
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The OPD registration has been made effortless, seamless and accurate by this Scan and Share functionality. The process has also empowered the patient to register oneself, especially in the case of revisits without standing in long queues. This not only provides immediate and real benefits to patients but also encourages them to accept digital solutions to their health needs.