Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth on Monday called off his India visit due to coronavirus scare. The “Thor” star, who was supposed to promote his upcoming Netflix film “Extraction” along with director Sam Hargrave, was scheduled to arrive in the country on March 16 on a two-day visit. “Keeping in mind the health and safety of everyone involved and the travel advisory issued, the event has been called off,” a Netflix source told PTI. The Union Health Ministry had recently advised to either avoid or postpone mass gatherings to prevent spread of COVID-19.
In case such gatherings are organised, the respective states should take necessary action to guide the organisers on precautions to be taken, a communication from the Ministry had said. The novel virus originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December last year. Worldwide roughly 11,000 people have been infected and more than 3,800 have died from the virus. Many events around the world have been cancelled amid the outbreak, including film festivals and music concerts. Release of much-awaited James Bond film “No Time to Die” has also been pushed by seven months to November.
In “Extraction”, which was earlier titled “Dhaka”, Hemsworth, 36, plays Tyler Rake, a black market mercenary, who embarks on a deadly mission when he’s enlisted to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned international crime lord. The film, based on an original script by “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame” co-director Joe Russo, is predominantly set in the Indian subcontinent, and was shot in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and a quiet suburb near Bangkok, Thailand.
It marks the directorial debut of Hargrave, who has worked as a stunt coordinator as well as the body double of “Captain America” star Chris Evans. Indian actor Randeep Hooda plays a key role in “Extraction”, so does newcomer Rudhraksh Jaiswal. The film is scheduled to be released on April 24.