Benefits Of Physiotherapy For COVID-19 Patients: What Exercises Should Patients Do Post Recovery

The current scenario of this pandemic is such when everyone has become COVID 19 literate. This crazy pandemic has created havoc in the lives of people. Due to the information overload from various sources, all are well aware about the damage the deadly virus can cause.

At the same time, physiotherapists are ones who work in primary healthcare facilities will likely play a part in the management of patients admitted to hospital with confirmed or suspected COVID-19

Physiotherapy is something which also needs to be focused on along with the other health issues related to the virus. And here’s why it should come into the picture:

“For patients who have recovered from COVID-19 have been recommended physiotherapy because it can help in faster recovery. Amid the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, not just older people but a large section of younger people were also affected. Physiotherapy is beneficial for the patients which can prevent the risk of ICU acquired weaknesses and can promote rapid functional recovery. For a patient, getting treated for the virus at the hospital is only the half battle won,” said Dr. Ismit Tyagi, Consultant, Physiotherapist, Columbia Asia Hospital, Palam Vihar, Gurugram.

He added, after getting the negative report, there is a long road to recovery. From rebuilding lung capacity and overall respiratory health, a lot goes into a complete recovery. Even the WHO guidelines specify that physiotherapy can play an important role in the rehabilitation of patients with COVID to improve oxygen saturation levels and lung function, in addition to improving other symptoms. Post-discharge from the hospital, the aim of the doctors is to make the lung muscles strong. Physiotherapy exercises help improve lung function immensely.

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