Early Diagnosis Of Blood Cancer Helps With Timely Treatment And Management

An estimated 1.24 million blood cancer cases occur annually worldwide, accounting for approximately 6% of all cancer cases. Blood cancers, or hematologic cancers, affect the production and function of blood cells. These cancers typically begin in the bone marrow where blood is produced. Cancer is caused by a dysfunction in cellular growth and behavior. In a healthy body, new white blood cells are regularly generated to replace old, dying ones. The excessive production of white blood cells in the bone marrow leads to blood cancers.

As per Globocan 2020, over 20,000 new cases of childhood blood cancer are diagnosed every year in India, of which nearly 15,000 are cases of leukemia.

Dr.Nataraj.K.S, Head of Department, Senior Consultant Hematologist & Hemato oncologist Transplant Physician, Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital & Research Center, Shankarapuram, Bangalore said, “Blood and related cancers arise dominantly from bone marrow lymphoid system. Commonest blood cancers include leukemia myeloma and lymphoma. Commonest presenting symptoms include fever body aches bleeding enlarged glands and recurrent infections. Unlike in the past where blood cancer meant instant death, now we can cure 50% of blood cancers and control additional 30% of blood cancers with advanced treatments. Most important reason for this success is timely diagnosis and advanced therapeutic options which is available to all the population. For example, in childhood acute promyelocytic leukemia can be cured in more than 80% of patients. Currently the modalities like chemotherapy immunotherapy stem cell transplant are the main modalities for treating blood cancers.”

Dr.Girish V Badarkhe, Senior Consultant Hematology, Fortis Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, “Hematologic cancer is fast rising in India with the incidence of over 20,000 new cases of childhood blood cancer per year, out of which nearly 15,000 cases are of leukemia. Early diagnosis and treatment are the key to delay the progression of such fatal diseases. There are different advanced treatments available, depending on the type of cancer, its growth rate and whether cancer has spread to other parts of the body. It’s high time to act and create a future without cancer.”



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