Know The Nutrition Needs During A Complicated Pregnancy

Nina Maria Saldanha, Executive Nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Bangalore (Whitefield)

Congratulations!!! You are Pregnant.

Pregnancy is one of the happiest times of your life. You get some extra-special treatment, with a lot of pampering from all around, be of family, neighbours, friends, colleagues, etc.

The best way to ensure a smooth pregnancy and post-partum period, is to ensure that you follow a well-balanced diet; Consuming all the food groups, in the right quantities. This will ensure that you stay healthy, and your little one grows perfectly. But it is important to note that diet alone is not responsible for a healthy pregnancy, you must remember to do your daily exercises, as advised by your doctor and physiotherapist.

Every pregnancy is not the same and might not always be smooth sailing. Here is a list of common problems that are seen in pregnancy and how to try and tackle them:

Nutritional Management:

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It is important to note these conditions may occur alone or in combination, with other conditions. Seeking timely and proper help from trained medical professionals can help reduce the severity or intensity of the conditions. Each pregnancy is unique, and has with it a different set of challenges and/or needs; A trained nutritionist will be able to help you manage your condition by personalizing and tailoring a diet chart to suit your needs and those of your growing baby, so kindly meet your nutritionist as early as possible and with regular follow-ups so that she can help you manage these conditions and have as smooth pregnancy as possible.

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