National Nutrition Week 2021: Are Diet And Exercise Good Enough To Reverse Lifestyle Diseases

Mr Indroneil Mukerjee an accomplished Bach Flower therapist and a transformational Life Coach

In October 2009, Ranjan Das, Managing Director of SAP India, died of massive cardiac arrest at the unripe age of 42 after returning from his gym. He was considered as an unlikely candidate for a heart attack and was known to exercise regularly and be scrupulous in his food habits.

In April 2020 Group President and CEO of BMW, Rudratej Singh passed away morning following a cardiac arrest at the unripe age of 46 while working out on the treadmill in his home.

Raghu Pillai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Future Value Retail and a leading figure in India’s modern retail segment, died of a massive heart attack in Jan 2013 at the age of 54.

Despite being on a healthy diet and regular exercise what could have caused such untimely deaths? Stress? Sleep disorder? Or something deeper?

It’s been proven across decades, and now medical sciences also acknowledge, that the causes of most physical ailments, particularly lifestyle diseases, do not lie in the body but in the emotions and the underlying limiting blocks and beliefs. Dr. Bruce Lipton of ‘Biology of Belief’ fame has also underscored the role of emotions in determining cellular health through his studies in epigenetics. According to Dr. Edward Bach, discoverer of Bach Flower remedies, used to restore mental, emotional and spiritual well-being,

“Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of disharmony between soul and mind.

It is only a symptom of the cause and, as the same cause will manifest differently, in nearly every individual, seek to remove this cause and the after-results, whatever they may be, will disappear automatically.”

It’s fallacious, therefore, to assume that diet and exercise alone can reverse lifestyle diseases or even prevent them. They do not heal the cause but manage the physical symptoms or at the most help in repairing the damaged metabolism, which can get impaired again if the underlying emotional causes have not been healed.

Here’s a list of some common lifestyle ailments/conditions with their respective emotional causes:

Cholesterol Clogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy.
Diabetes Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.
Heart problem Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress.
Hypothyroidism Giving up. Feeling hopelessly stifled.
Liver problems Chronic complaining. Justifying. Fault finding to deceive oneself.
Lung problems Depression. Grief. Fear of taking in life. Not feeling worthy of living the life fully.
Obesity Oversensitivity, fear and need for protection. Fear may be a cover for anger and resistance to forgive. Running away from feelings. Insecurity, self-rejection. Seeking fulfilment.

(From ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay)

For complete and permanent reversal of lifestyle disease it is recommended to use a combinative approach of:

It may be noted that client-centric Bach Flower therapy is the simplest, safest and surest way of healing negative emotions and dissolving underlying blocks and beliefs. Here the focus is not on healing the illness but the individual as a whole. The therapist carries out a structured consultation, arrives at a diagnosis and crafts composites using some of the 38 remedies customized to each individual.

The remedies do not contain any chemical or bio-chemical component and are 100% vibrational. Thus, they are absolutely safe and without any side effects or adverse interactions with other medicines or food.

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