Expert Explains: What Is White Fungus, And How Can You Prevent It?

Amid the rising concerns over the reporting cases of Mucormycosis or ‘Black Fungus’ in Covid recovered patients, recently there are several cases of ‘White Fungus’ that have been reported in Bihar.

According to medical experts, ‘White Fungus’ is deadlier than Mucormycosis as it affects other organs of the body, apart from lungs.

Cause of white fungus-Unsanitary use of oxygen cylinders or the overuse of steroids can heighten the risk of contracting white fungus. Using tap water in the humidifier attached to an oxygen cylinder could be a major contributor.

Affected areas- The new fungal infection can appear on several parts of the body, including skin, stomach, kidney, brain, and mouth besides lungs.

What are the Symptoms?

Those infected reportedly experience symptoms similar to Covid, despite testing negative for the virus. Only CT scans or X-Rays can reveal the condition

Why are COVID patients prone to white fungus?

COVID-19 patients are more prone to white fungus as it affects the lungs and similar symptoms are created like that of coronavirus. Those who have weak immunity like diabetes, cancer patients, and those who are taking steroids for a long period of time must take special care as they are more at risk. It is also affecting those coronavirus patients who are on oxygen support.

The difference in symptoms of White and Black fungus

White Fungus Symptoms

Note: The symptoms of ‘white fungus’ are similar to those of COVID and the infection can be diagnosed through CT-scan or X-ray.

How to avoid black and white fungus??

it is important to strengthen immunity. Do not overuse steroids during covid treatment. Steroids should be given only when the oxygen levels go down and pneumonia occurs. When the condition is stable, reduce the number of steroids, so that there is no problem of blood sugar fluctuation. White and black fungus infections can be avoided in these ways.

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