90% cut in 9 Anti-Cancer Drug

cancer treatment

CHENNAI: To make cancer cure affordable for patients and their families. The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has slashed 87%  retails price of nine anti-cancer drugs, including chemotherapy injection used commonly to treat lung cancer.

As per the revised order, the retail price of pemetrexed (500mg), chemotherapy injection used to treat Lung cancer, has come down from Rs.22,000 to Rs.2,800. Henceforth, the cost of the 100mg dose of the same injection will Rs.800 against Rs.7,700. Another common chemo drug, epirubicin (brand name Epichlor). The price for 10 MG injection will be reduced to  Rs.276.8 which was earlier Rs.561 and Rs.960 for a 50mg injection against Rs.2, 662.

The price of the 10 packs of 1000gm  erlotinib tablets( Erlotaz), will cost Rs.1,840, against the old price of Rs.6,600, and for 10 tablet pack of 150mg strength, the price will come down to Rs.2,400 for a 10-tablet pack of 150mg strength against the old price of Rs.8,800.

Similarly, the price of everolimus (brand name Lanolimus) of strengths 0.25mg and 0.5mg has been brought down to Rs.406 and Rs.739 from Rs.726 and Rs.1,452, respectively. Leuprolide acetate hormonal therapy injection (brand name Leuprogon Depot), commonly administered to cancer patients, has come down to Rs.2,650 from Rs.3,990.

 “Most of these are commonly used in several cancer therapies. The cost cut will be extremely beneficial to patients, particularly those who spend out of their pocket,” said Apollo Speciality Hospital senior oncologist Dr T Raja.

This is the second time that NPPA has announced a price cut on anti-cancer drugs since March. NPPA is an independent body under the Union ministry of chemicals and fertilisers which monitors and controls drug prices in India.

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