Airplane Turbulence Can Cause Heart Attack: Here’s How You Can Keep Your Heart Healthy While Travelling

Airplane turbulence – We have all experienced it. A part of flying many of us find discomforting. But recent studies are revealing a new concern that beyond just discomfort, turbulence might actually be a trigger for heart attacks. The abrupt movements that accompanies turbulence stresses the cardiovascular system and could negatively influence heart health. Discovering how this comes into play is crucial to limiting risks and ensuring travel safety.

Airplane Turbulence and Heart Health

Studies suggest that turbulence might indeed cause your blood pressure and heart rate to rise, increasing strain on your heart. For people with existing heart conditions like hypertension or coronary artery disease, this added stress could set off a heart attack. The scene is set as physical exertion, stress, and fear fuse together during turbulence, raising the chance for heart related incidents. So, if you have a pre-existing heart condition, being aware of these risks and appropriately preparing is crucial.

How To Protect Your Heart While Travelling?

While predicting turbulence isn’t foolproof, passengers can still take precautionary steps to curb the risk of an heart attack during flights. Staying hydrated is key as not doing so can worsen turbulence’s effects on your body. Also, avoid eating heavy meals before and during your flight to lighten the load on your digestive system, and in turn your heart. Further, a bit of light exercise, like stretches or strolling down the aisle, can help maintain good blood flow and prevent blood clots, a common worry during long flights. Simple breathing exercises or meditation can also help reduce anxiety and stress levels, looking out for your heart during turbulent periods.

Before You Fly: Talk To Your Doctor

If you have had any history of heart disease or cardiovascular issues, best to discuss with your healthcare provider before you decide to fly. They can provide advice tailored to your health history and present condition. In some scenarios, they may prescribe medication or suggest certain precautions to facilitate a safer and more comfortable flight.

Keep Your Heart Health In Check While Flying

The potential link that emerges between airplane turbulence and heart attacks underlines why we shouldn’t ignore heart health during air travel. Knowledge of these risks and taking preventative measures can help lower the chance of heart-related incidents and foster a more secure traveling experience. Stay informed, prepared and proactive in preserving your heart’s health while flying. After all, for a smooth flying journey, you need a healthy heart!

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