Amid On-Off Rain, Doctors Forsee Rise In Number Of Dengue Cases

While monsoon is yet to officially arrive, cases of dengue have already surfaced in some cities.

While monsoon is yet to officially arrive, cases of dengue have already surfaced in some cities.

Dengue cases in India today: We have witnessed several spells of rainfall during the months of summer. The situation remains more or less the same as several parts of the country witnessed sporadic rainfall of late. Amid this, experts fear that there will be a rise in the number of dengue cases.

While monsoon is yet to officially arrive, cases of dengue have already surfaced in Kolkata. According to reports, many hospitals in the city have started to receive dengue patients.

A similar situation is being witnessed in Pune as well. Doctors are seeing an uptick in dengue cases. They are also of the view that untimely rains have resulted in ideal mosquito-breeding conditions in the city. This is mainly because of the wastewater puddles in several parts of the city and construction is going on.

Experts have suggested that all measures should be taken to check the spread. They said that stringent vector control measures should be put in place to check the spread.

While the rise in the number of cases is still not alarming, experts feel that it could be a prelude to what can happen in the coming days.

Dengue has four serotypes and one can get infected as many as four times

Also, doctors said that dengue has four serotypes and therefore there are chances that a person can get infected with the disease as many as four times in a lifetime.

This is because infection from one serotype provides immunity against only that particular serotype. In such a situation, Indians should be extra careful as all four of them are prevalent in India. Also, the second-time infection from dengue can be more infectious and serious than the first as the existing antibodies from the first one can create a severe immune reaction.

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Also, experts said that not all cases of dengue infection require hospitalisation. Some of the dengue cases can be managed at home with medication. Usually, people get hospitalised as they don’t want to take any risks.

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