Centre Boosts Healthcare Ecosystem with “Heal in India” and “Heal by India” Initiatives

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Unlocking Scarless Robotic Surgery for Thyroid Tumors

21 JUL 2023, New Delhi – The Government of India has launched two transformative initiatives, “Heal in India” and “Heal by India,” aimed at promoting Medical Value Travel (MVT) and enhancing Human Resource Mobility in the healthcare sector. These initiatives are set to revolutionize the healthcare ecosystem in the country and establish India as a global leader in medical services.

Heal in India: Fostering Global Medical Value Travel

“Heal in India” focuses on attracting international patients seeking high-quality medical treatments to India. With its world-class healthcare facilities and a pool of skilled medical professionals, India has become a preferred destination for medical tourists from across the globe. The initiative aims to leverage this advantage and further bolster India’s position as a leading MVT hub.

The initiative offers a comprehensive package that includes streamlined visa procedures, specialized medical visa assistance, and top-notch healthcare facilities to international patients. By providing cost-effective and superior healthcare services, “Heal in India” aims to promote India as a destination for complex medical treatments, wellness therapies, and holistic health experiences.

Heal by India: Enhancing Human Resource Mobility

Recognizing the significance of skilled healthcare professionals in providing quality medical services, “Heal by India” focuses on enhancing the mobility of healthcare human resources. This initiative aims to facilitate the exchange of medical knowledge, expertise, and best practices between India and other countries.

“Heal by India” offers opportunities for medical professionals to collaborate, train, and work in India, fostering a dynamic environment for skill development and innovation. Additionally, the initiative encourages Indian medical professionals to gain international exposure and expertise by collaborating with renowned medical institutions and participating in global medical conferences.

Synergy between Initiatives

“Heal in India” and “Heal by India” work in tandem to create a thriving healthcare ecosystem. By attracting international patients, “Heal in India” generates significant revenue for the country’s healthcare industry, which, in turn, enables investments in medical infrastructure and technology. This advancement further enhances the skill sets of Indian healthcare professionals, making them globally competitive.

The initiatives are expected to have a multiplier effect on the economy, fostering employment opportunities and boosting medical tourism-related industries such as hospitality and tourism.

India’s Rising Prominence in Healthcare

India’s proactive approach to healthcare and its commitment to quality medical services have earned it global recognition. The nation’s exemplary response during the COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened its position as a reliable healthcare destination.

“Heal in India” and “Heal by India” are significant steps towards realizing the country’s potential as a global healthcare powerhouse. The initiatives embody the government’s vision to provide accessible, affordable, and world-class healthcare solutions to people around the world while fostering the growth of India’s healthcare industry.

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