Coronavirus In India: Government Issues Guidelines On Dead Body Management

The Government has issues guidelines on dead body management. The guidelines come at a time when the family members of a 68-year-old woman in Delhi, who became the second casualty of novel coronavirus in India, alleged that authorities at the Nigambodh cremation ground refused to cremate the deceased.

Key Facts
Standard Precautions to be followed by health care workers while handling dead bodies of COVID

Standard infection prevention control practices should be followed at all times. These include:

  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Use of personal protective equipment (e.g., water resistant apron, gloves, masks, eyewear)
  3. Safe handling of sharps.
  4. Disinfect bag housing dead body; instruments and devices used on the patient. 5. Disinfect linen. Clean and disinfect environmental surfaces.
Training in infection and prevention control practices

All staff identified to handle dead bodies in the isolation area, mortuary, ambulance and those workers in the crematorium / burial ground should be trained in the infection prevention control practices.

Removal of the body from the isolation room or area
Environmental cleaning and disinfection

Environmental cleaning and disinfection All surfaces of the isolation area (floors, bed, railings, side tables, IV stand, etc.) should be wiped with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution; allow a contact time of 30 minutes, and then allowed to air dry.
Handling of dead body in Mortuary  Mortuary staff handling COVID dead body should observe standard precautions.  Dead bodies should be stored in cold chambers maintained at approximately 4°C.  The mortuary must be kept clean. Environmental surfaces, instruments and transport trolleys should be properly disinfected with 1% Hypochlorite solution.  After removing the body, the chamber door, handles and floor should be cleaned with sodium hypochlorite 1% solution.


Embalming of dead body should not be allowed.

Autopsies on COVID-19 dead bodies Autopsies should be avoided. If autopsy is to be performed for special reasons, the  infection prevention control practices should be adopted.

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