Coronavirus In India: IPL Could Be Held In Empty Stadium

The Sports Ministry on Thursday dropped hints that the IPL could be held in empty stadiums due to the COVID-19 pandemic even as foreign players were ruled out of the glitzy event till April 15 following government-imposed travel restrictions.

However, the BCCI kept mum on it.

IPL in empty stadiums would be up for discussion at the event’s Governing Council meeting on Saturday and the BCCI has decided to adopt a wait and watch policy till then.

The T20 tournament is due to start on March 29 in Mumbai.

However, the Sports ministry has asked all national federations, including the cricket board, to follow the Health Ministry’s advisory and avoid large gatherings in sports events.

“…. ensure that no public gathering takes place in any sporting event. In the event the sporting event cannot be avoided, the same could be done wihout allowing gathering of people, including spectators,” read an order from the Sports ministry.

Sports Secretary Radhey Shyam Julaniya reiterated the ministry’s position. “We have asked all the NSFs, including the BCCI, to follow the Health Ministry’s latest advisory, which says public gatherings should be avoided in all events, including sporting activities,” Julaniya said.

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