The number of daily cases in India has crossed the grim figure of 1 lakh and it continued to spread at an unprecedented rate following the entry of the Omicron variant. The key to stopping the cases from spreading is to follow all norms of social distancing and get tested on priority so that one can reduce the spread of COVID-19. There are now several options to get tested at the comfort of home. At-home coronavirus test kits, that are approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will let you get the test done at home without any hassle. There are a total of seven such kits that come with app support which are available both on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The best thing is that these self-test kits are affordable. Let’s have a look at them.
CoviSelf: The kit has been manufactured by Mylab Discovery Solutions Ltd. The pack of 1 testing costs Rs 250. For testing, you need to collect samples and then log in to the Mylab app, which is available on both Android and iOS. The app has complete guidelines on how to do the test and get a report.
CoviFind: This DIY home antigen test has been manufactured by Meril Diagnostics Pvt Ltd and costs Rs 250 per test kit. The nasal swab-based kit comes with a mobile app.
PanBio: Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Division has developed this COVID-19 nasal swab-based test kit with an app called NAVICA-IN.
Angcard: This saliva-based test kit comes with an app called EONMED. Users need to collect saliva samples in the tube and then they will have to follow the instructions.
CliniTest: This nasal swab-based COVID-19 test has been developed by Siemens Healthineers. It recently got approval from the FDA EUA. Users of this kit will have to download the Siemens Healthineers app.
Ultra Covi-Catch SARS-CoV-2 Home Test: To use this swab-based home antigen test kit, users will have to download the Covi-Catch app which is available on both Play Store and App Store.