Cyclone Remal To Hit West Bengal On Sunday: 5 Safety Measures To Follow

Cyclone Remal is on course to hit West Bengal this Sunday, accompanied by fierce winds and torrential rain. The imminent threat of this natural disaster requires residents to gear up and adhere to specific safety measures to reduce harm and safeguard their wellbeing.

Cyclone Remal Alert: Key Safety Precautions

As Cyclone Remal is set to make a landfall in the coasts of West Bengal on Sunday, here are some of the safety measures you need to follow:

Find Safe Shelter and Stay Inplace

For the duration of the cyclone, it’s crucial that you stay inside and seek refuge in a robust building. This safety measure will protect you from the cyclone’s strong winds and any airborne debris. Keep away from doors and windows, avoid stepping outside unless it’s absolutely unavoidable.

Gather Essential Supplies

Before the storm strikes, make sure you’re stocked up on necessities like food, water, medicine, and emergency kits. Given the probability of power cuts and service disruptions during the cyclone, you ought to prepare to be self-reliant for several days.

Stay Updated And Obey Official Guidelines

Keep a tab on the latest weather updates and heed official warnings. When ordered, evacuate immediately and stick to safety directives offered by local authorities. This will help ensure your and the safety of your dear ones.

Help Those in Need

Keep an eye out for friends, neighbours, or relatives who might need help, especially those most vulnerable such as seniors, children, or physically-challenged people. Do everything you can to support them and help evacuate if sufficient danger is perceived.

As residents of West Bengal wait for Cyclone Remal, it’s of utmost importance to take safety precautions seriously. By adhering to these protective measures and prepping in advance, one can significantly reduce the storm’s impact and aid their community in weathering this natural disaster. Always remember to stay calm, informed, and prioritize safety during these demanding times.

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