Delhi Medical Association calls statewide bandh after doctors assaulted in West Bengal

New Delhi/Kolkata (Healthwire) The Delhi Medical Association (DMA) has called for a statewide medical bandh on June 14 following the brutal assault on resident doctors after a 75-year old patient passed away at West Bengal-situated NRS Medical college.

The incident happened on June 10 when some 200 odd people came on trucks and beat up the doctors of NRS Medical College after a 75-yer-old patient passed away in the hospital.

Two junior doctors, Paribaha Mukhopadhyay and Yash Tekwani, suffered head injuries and have been hospitalized since the incident.

Mukhopadhyay, who suffered a skull fracture, has undergone surgery at the Institute of Neurosciences in Mullickbazar. Tekwani is admitted to NRS.

Girish Tyagi, President of DMA, in a statement said that the medical body will intensify their agitation in case the culprits behind the assualt of doctors at NRS hospital are not held.


“The DMA has announced that the entire medial fraternity has expressed solidarity to the seriously injured doctors. We call for a statewide medical bandh on June 14 to oppose the assualt,” Tyagi said in a statement.


“The DMA is ready for an agitation to press for strong legislation and strict action against hospital violence,” he said.


The DMA move comes a day after it announced for observing June 13 as a black day to express solidarity with the injured doctors.

Tyagi also stated that the protest would continue until the culprits involved in the assault are not booked.

Following the incident, the doctors at NRS hospital  went on a strike and also urged their colleagues at other government hospitals to stop the work, crippling patient services.

The agitating doctors demanded that Chief minister Mamata Banerjee intervene into the matter and she spell out the steps the government will take to prevent recurrence of attacks on doctors.

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