Diabetes Foot Ulcers: 5 Simple Tips To Prevent High Blood Sugar Affecting Your Feet and Legs

Diabetes has affected numerous lives globally, and foot ulcers can be a concerning side effect that diabetics may have to deal with. Think of these ulcers as open wounds or sores that don’t heal quickly, and if ignored, could escalate into serious infections that could result in amputation. This article shares a straightforward guide outlining five realistic tips for diabetics to ward off foot ulcers.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is mark by an elevated blood sugar levels. In medical terminology, the conditon is known as an irreversible disease — which means the condition can only be managed and controlled. Essentially, there are three major types of diabetes – type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes strikes when the immune system goes off course, attacking and annihilating insulin-producing beta cells within the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes reigns as the most widespread type, surfacing when the body rebels against insulin or falls short in its production. Gestational diabetes makes an appearance during pregnancy, generally waving goodbye post-delivery.

How To Prevent Foot Ulcer In Diabetic Patients?

Foot ulcers can be a major worry for diabetics due to the possible complications. Diabetic individuals are prone to nerve damage and inadequate blood circulation, resulting in reduced foot sensation and delayed wound healing. This can turn a minor injury into a serious ulcer if left unattended. To maintain good foot health and overall well-being, it is essential to prevent foot ulcers.

Tip 1: Examine Foot Regularly

A practical measure to avert foot ulcers is by inspecting feet daily. Diabetics should take the time to scout for signs of redness, blisters, cuts, or sores on theirs feet. This proactive approach helps identify potential issues early, seek immediate medical help, and halt ulcer formation.

Tip 2: Choose Suitable Footwear

Selecting the right footwear is crucial for diabetics to keep foot ulcers at bay. Shoes that fit perfectly, offer good support and come with cushioning limit pressure on the feet and thus are a good choice. It is advisable to avoid high heels, ill-fitting shoes, and walking barefoot to diminish chances of ulcer development.

Tip 3: Keep Up Good Foot Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is paramount in preventing foot ulcers. Diabetic individuals should ensure their feet are clean and dry all day. A daily foot wash with mild soap and lukewarm water is recommended. Dry your feet thoroughly thereafter, especially between the toes. Moisturizing the feet is an excellent way to prevent skin dryness and cracks, thus reducing ulcer risk.

Tip 4: Regular Professional Foot Checkup

Along with daily foot checks, it is advisable for diabetics to go for regular professional foot examinations. Podiatrists or foot health experts can evaluate the condition of the feet, pinpoint potential hazards, and give advice on suitable foot care. Regular check-ups facilitate early problem detection and forestall complications like foot ulcers.

Tip 5: Keep Blood Sugar Under Check

Tackling blood sugar levels efficiently is crucial for managing diabetes and can also stave off foot ulcers. Elevated blood sugar levels can deteriorate blood circulation and nerve function, consequently increasing foot complications risk. Regular blood glucose checks, combined with a balanced diet and exercise, can minimize ulcer risk.

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