Narayana Health, AHPI And Vayah Vikas Jointly Organise National Health Conclave 2023

“Happy & Healthy Ageing” was the theme of the National Health Conclave 2023

“Happy & Healthy Ageing” was the theme of the National Health Conclave 2023.

The National Health Conclave 2023 with the theme “Happy & Healthy Ageing” was jointly organized by the Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI) and Vayah Vikas, a not-for-profit organization. The Conclave brought together leaders from various sectors to discuss and develop actionable recommendations aimed at empowering and improving the well-being of senior citizens. The Conclave acted as a national-level think-tank, with a focus on addressing eldercare issues, devising strategies and recommendations to address them, and sharing and learning from best practices.

Addressing the Challenges Faced by India’s Elderly Population: Insights from the Conclave on Healthcare and Government Regulations

India has a substantial elderly population, with over 116 million people aged 60 years and above, which is expected to triple by 2050. Elderly individuals in India confront various challenges, including restricted access to healthcare, poverty, social isolation, and insufficient retirement savings. The Conclave aimed to assist the healthcare ecosystem and the government to frame regulations to provide the best amenities to the elderly.

Highlights from the Conclave: Senior Citizen Issues, Expert Insights, and Elder Care Initiatives

The sessions at the Conclave covered various issues being faced by senior citizens, including mental health, health insurance, preparing for retirement, skill development, delivering happiness, bridging gaps through tech innovations for ease of living, and providing health and wellness at the doorstep for elderly. Experts attending the event possessed extensive expertise and direct involvement in the requirements of senior citizens, relevant laws and government policies, as well as the merits and shortcomings of Elder Care initiatives within our nation.

The recommendations submitted through the National Health Conclave 2023 will assist in aligning the efforts of the public and private sectors to enhance the quality of life of senior citizens, and the white paper produced from the proceedings of the Conclave will serve as a guide for the government and other stakeholders to address eldercare issues comprehensively. The best course of action would be to promote collaboration among seemingly disparate groups including relevant stakeholders, as stated by Dr. Jamuna Ravi, CEO, Vayah Vikas.

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