Experts Claim a Rs 100 Pill Developed by Tata Memorial Centre Can Avert Reoccurrence of Cancer

Discovering a cancer cure has been an intangible aim so far. However, experts from Tata Memorial Centre might have reached a little closer to finding a cure for cancer with their innovative recent research that claims to have found the potential medicine, that can refrain the cancer cells from reappearing. Health experts from Tata Memorial Hospital have developed a tablet that costs nearly Rs 100 which can prevent the reoccurrence of cancer and ease the side effects of chemotherapy. Experts are likely to get authorization for this tablet from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in another 3 or 4 months to ease the adverse effects of cancer treatment.

Experts say that once the tablet is authorized, it will help ease the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy by 50 percent and the odds of cancer relapse by 30 percent. A 10-year-long trial conducted by doctors from Tata Memorial Hospital has revealed that fading cancer cells release cell-free chromatin elements after radiotherapy and chemotherapy that can turn healthy cells into cancerous ones. Experts from the TMH claim that the tablet is by far the most inexpensive and the most efficient cancer therapy. The study showed that the pro-oxidant blend of resveratrol and copper aided in eliminating the chromatin and managing toxicity among patients undertaking chemotherapy.

Experts say that the orally given combination of resveratrol and copper has been proven to be effective in preventing metastasis. However, the trial has been conducted on mice and experts are now planning to conduct a human trial of this revolutionary tablet and see how well it performs in real-world cancer patients. Lately, Russian President Vladimir Putin as well declared that Russian experts are quite close to developing cancer shots which will be made available to patients soon. The new study by TMH probes into the mechanism of metastasis that was unidentified until now. Well, experts say that patients will have to wait for a few years before they can be benefitted from this radical cancer therapy to avert the reoccurrence of cancer.

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