First MBBS Batch Welcomed At NIIMS

Marking the beginning of their professional medical education, NIIMS donned their white coats ceremony welcoming 150 students.

Donning a white coat for the first time, in the presence of their parents and teachers, these first-year medical students were overjoyed for beginning the medical student journey.

By wearing the white coat, these students have chosen to dedicate their lives to needs of others,” said Dr Devesh Kumar Singh the Chairman of Noida international institute of medical sciences (NIIMS).

This ceremony aims to inspire these budding doctors to take a humane approach to patient-centred care, said Dr Devesh Kumar.

During this four-year-long medical course, these students hereby promise to heal and care others with their entry into the profession of medicine, said  Dr Vikram Singh, Chancellor of NIU.

Dr Ajay Kumar Jain – Dean welcomed all the students and discussed the origin and importance of white coat and stated that white coat will give identity, confidence, authority, respect to doctors and trust among patients which further leads to the healthy patient-doctor relationship.

He added that wearing a white coat is very empowering indeed, but, certainly, it will give the students more challenging responsibilities. He congratulated the students and their parents for their excellent choice and assured them that the Institute will make their head high.

The orientation programme was started on day one with COVID-19 safety and preventive measures.

The ceremony included Dr SN Gupta- the Medical Director, Dr (Maj. Gen) Manu Arora – Medical Superintendent all faculty members from different departments.

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