Fitness Icon Milind Soman Named Brand Ambassador for Maharishi Amrit Kalash

Fitness Icon Milind Soman associates with Maharishi Ayurveda being fascinated by the virtues of its natural product Maharishi Amrit Kalash. Living in harmony with nature in tandem with Ayurvedic guidelines enhances the synergy between my mind and body says Milind.

The synergy between mind and body ensures fitness, agility, vitality, and longevity – are tempting words that everyone wished described their lives. However, most people hardly ever adopt the pre-requisites to accomplish their yearnings.

But there are some who build the right habits that help them realize their yearnings of holistic health and wellness.

Arguably, one of the fittest model-actors from the Indian film circuit is aging like a fine wine – Milind Soman, who is symbolic to ‘Mind-Body Fitness’ and ‘Vitality’ is all set to associate with Maharishi Ayurveda being fascinated by the virtues of its product Maharishi Amrit Kalash.

Revealing the secrets of his charismatic fitness of mind and body even at the age of 55, Milind Soman says, “Despite living in harmony with nature, eating right and exercising right, if we are not feeling right and we miss a natural source of nourishment to maintain synergy between mind and body – Maharishi Amrit Kalash – the super Rasayana – can naturally help to harness the power of body and mind.

This super Rasayana was created by using 53 highly effective Ayurvedic ingredients, combining various powerful Rasayanas. It has more than 75 research papers published in peer-review journals and in globally reputed universities and institutions.

Adding further, he says, “This unique formulation is said to strengthen every vital organ to restore the inner balance of the body and mind. As a result, the body is at its strongest from the inside whenever it is challenged from the outside. The super Rasayana – Maharishi Amrit Kalash helps maintain the synergy between mind and body.

If this synergy is maintained, one can prolong youthfulness, prevent premature aging, improve organ functioning, enhance mental alertness, broaden comprehension abilities, and build resistance towards disease. Then nothing will stop us from being more than we think we can be.”

Today, Milind is known for endurance. At the age of 47, he created a Limca record for running 1500km from Delhi to Mumbai in 30 days. At 50, when people plan their retirement, he completed the toughest triathlon in the world in Zurich, that required a person to do a 3.8-km swim, a 180.2-km cycle ride, and a 42.2-km run, to be finished without a break in 16 hours, to get the title of ‘Ironman’ and at 52, he completed the Ultraman, the toughest 3-day triathlon in the world. For today’s generation, Milind has emerged as the ‘Fitness Icon’. What is the secret behind it? Unarguably – it’s natural living and synergy between mind and body.

Moreover, what’s interesting about Milind’s fitness routine is that he doesn’t use the gym for his fitness. During the lockdown period, Milind started stairclimbing in his building. He believes in natural living and conscious lifestyle choices, understanding and accepting how one’s body and mind move and respond. He believes in the perfect synergy between ‘Mind and Body’ as it ensures holistic health and happiness.

“The ‘Ironman’ of India and ‘Unstoppable’ – Milind Soman, who has recently turned 55 looks as agile as a 30-year-old youth. From being India’s first supermodel to a fine actor to a marathon runner, Milind Soman is the epitome of fitness. His fitness speaks volumes as he is a true believer of ‘Mind-Body Synergy’. While running is his forever love, yoga is something that he does for peace of mind.” says Ram Shrivastava, Director -Marketing, Maharishi Ayurveda.

“He also believes in natural sources of nourishment to maintain synergy between mind and body – that’s why he is fascinated with the virtues of Maharishi Amrit Kalash – this is a herbal masterpiece known to strengthen every vital organ. We are happy that the virtues of Maharishi Amrit Kalash fascinate him, and hope that he will inspire millions of people to stay fit by following the principle of natural living in tandem with the use of the super Rasayana,” added Mr. Ram Shrivastava, Director -Marketing, Maharishi Ayurveda.

“His association with Maharishi Ayurveda will help people realize the significance of Ayurvedic herbs, Rasayanas, and the natural living in staying fit,” says Mr. Ram Shrivastava, Director -Marketing, Maharishi Ayurveda.

Milind believes that Maharishi Amrit Kalash is a key to enhance healthy living. It has a protection guarantee as a natural product. This is made up of natural plants, herbs, and minerals. Everyone wants vitality and longevity, which is accompanied by natural living and the natural environment. And a regular serving of Amrit Kalash provides all these in one-go and just helps one bring out the best from one’s diet and exercise so that one gets naturally fit.

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