Health Experts Determine An Anxiety Gene And Methods To Avert It

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A group of scientists has found a genetic code known as an anxiety gene that might help cure anxiety issues among people in the long run. Health experts have devised a few methods as well to halt the effects of this gene. At present, there are multiple drugs and remedies that are used to ease symptoms of anxiety, however, using the right blend of these medications is still a challenge. This study has been led by a team of scientists based in the UK. They controlled mice for 6 hours to prompt a stress response to have an insight into what happens in people’s brains who deal with anxiety.

Way To Reduce Anxiety

Scientists found elevated levels of five microRNAs (miRNAs) that are tiny molecules that help identify which genes present in a cell might be expressed and which shall not be expressed in the area of the brain that is responsible for triggering anxiety, which is known as the amygdala. After observing these molecules closely, they saw a specific gene that touched the highest levels known as miR-483-5p.

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This specific gene was reducing the expression of another gene known asPgap2 in order to provide stress relief and help ease anxiety.

miRNAs tactically potent to manage severe neuropsychiatric issues like anxiety

The group of scientists claims that the specific pathway might be instrumental in the development of anti-anxiety treatments that are more efficient as compared to existing therapies. The co-lead author of the study, Valentina Mosienko has said that miRNAs are tactically potent to manage severe neuropsychiatric issues like anxiety.

However, the cellular and molecular tools they use to manage stress resilience and vulnerability were essentially indefinite until now. The findings of the study assert that the uncovering of this anxiety gene and an organic way to avert it might work as a blueprint for therapies that might be quite advantageous for people who suffer from anxiety disorders.

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