Your fingernails aren’t just for adorning with trendy colours or chewed upon when you’re stressed. They’re like little windows into your overall health, carrying a vast amount of information about what might be happening inside your body, particularly your heart. Let’s dive into what they may be silently voicing about the possible heart problems you may be dealing with.
Clubbed Nails
When your fingertips seem bulbous and rounded, it’s this unusual condition called ‘Clubbing’, a common sign linked to heart ailments. This could possibly mean that your body is having a tough time getting enough oxygen, indicative of troubles in your heart or lung. If you happen to notice this shape on your fingers, do reach out to a doctor for further advice.
Spoon Like Structure
There is this nail condition that looks like the inside of a spoon, known medically as ‘koilonychia’ otherwise called ‘Spoon Nails’. It’s often a tell-tale sign of anemia from low iron, causing less oxygen to be transported by your blood and putting extra strain on your heart. If you find your nails taking on the shape of a spoon, it may just be a hint to have your iron levels examined and confront any deeper health concerns on time.
Fungal Infection
Your nails turning yellow isn’t simply about poor hygiene or fungal infection. This could suggest Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), where blood flow to your extremities is affected. PAD is a predictor of heart disease as it mirrors the existence of atherosclerosis or plaque build-up in your arteries. Consider going for a heart check-up if your fingernails seem unusually yellow, more so if your hands and feet are always cold.
Horizontal Lines On Nails
Horizontal ridges appearing on your nails, called ‘Beau’s lines’, could be signs of tremendous stress or illness, or perhaps the extra strain put on your heart during distressful periods. Upon encountering Beau’s lines, it would be wise to reconsider your stress handling and ponder more on maintaining a healthy heart to avoid any serious complications.
Brittle Nails
When your nails continuously crack or break, it may suggest you are lacking in nutrients like biotin, iron or essential vitamins, all of which can influence heart health adversely, potentially causing high cholesterol or hypertension. Fortifying your diet to overcome these deficiencies can aid in heart health and result in stronger, healthier nails.