How To Treat Gastric Problems With Yoga Asanas At Home


Busy modern life-styles have brought up many people dealing with gastric problems, and triggering factors often include stress, bad diet choices, and inactive lifestyles. While it’s common to lean on medication for relief, regularly including yoga poses in your daily schedule can prove to be a potent at-home natural remedy to fight these issues. This write-up shall shed light on how specific yoga positions might be helpful in curing tummy problems at your own home.

Yoga And Digestive Health Connection

Yoga practices seem to offer a more holistic route to health improvements, helping deal with a host of wellbeing issues over centuries of use. One notable beauty of adopting yoga is the noticeable changes reported for digestion system health. Through certain dedicated poses, yoga practioners might find it beneficial in stimulating digestion activities, reducing gut bloating, and calming common gastric symptoms like acidity and poor digestion.

Key Yoga Poses for Gastric Relief

  1. Pawanmuktasana (Gas Releasing Pose)

Pawanmuktasana is an easy-to-adopt yoga posture, specifically effective in pushing out excess gas from the stomach and enhancing digestion. Lying down on your back, bringing knees close to your chest, this pose softly massages the abdominal section aiding better digestion.

  1. Apanasana (Knee-to-Chest Pose)

Next in line as an impactful yoga move for easing gastric discomfort is Apanasana. Back on the floor, pulling knees towards your chest can trigger bowel movements and reduce bloating. It also eases tension from the lower back, contributing positively for overall digestion health.

  1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana, a standing yoga pose, warrants a side stretch for the body, that assists in improving digestion by gently kneading the abdominal area and stepping up blood flow to the digestive track. By keeping Trikonasana in your yoga rotations, you can facilitate reduced gastric discomfort and promote overall gut health.

  1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana, a typical back arch pose, can grant relief from indigestion and constipation. Opening up the chest and stretching the tummy muscles can stimulate digestion essential organs enhancing their function. Notably, Bhujangasana can also help dial down stress, a renowned trigger for gastric problems.

Routine Yoga for Regular Relief

To extract the maximum potential of yoga for gastric issues, it is crucial to get regular with these listed asanas. Try carving out a dedicated yoga session daily, ideal scenarios are either on an empty stomach or delaying a couple of hours post meal. Maintaining an attentive approach towards your bodily responses and prioritising mindfulness during yoga shall be of prime importance.

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