‘It Is Extremely Painful’: African Man Shares Horrifying Symptoms Of Mpox

Mpox Virus Goes Global: Urgent Actions Needed to Prevent Pandemic

Mpox Virus Goes Global: Urgent Actions Needed to Prevent Pandemic

New Delhi, August 25: In a recent interview, an African man who recovered from Mpox shared his harrowing experience with the disease, highlighting the severe symptoms he endured. His account provides a stark reminder of the impact this virus can have on individuals and the importance of prevention and early treatment.

The man recalled feeling unwell with flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and fatigue. However, it was the onset of a painful rash that truly alarmed him. The rash started as small, red bumps on his face and spread rapidly to other parts of his body.

Egide Irambona, 40, from Burundi’s main city, Bujumbura, told the BBC that the disease causes horrible pain. “I had swollen lymph nodes in my throat. It was so painful I couldn’t sleep. Then the pain subsided there and it moved to my legs,” he said. Compared to other Mpox variations, Clade 1b is more contagious but appears to be less deadly. It is primarily transmit through heterosexual transmission.

He is in treatment at the King Khaled University Hospital for nine days now, sharing a room with two other patients. He thinks a friend may have given him the contagious virus. “I had a friend who had blisters. think I got it from him. I did not know it was Mpox. Thankfully our seven children have not shown any signs of having it,” he continued.

Severe Mpox Symptoms

The rash quickly developed into painful, fluid-filled blisters that were incredibly itchy and sensitive. The pain was so severe that it made it difficult to sleep or perform daily activities. The man described the sensation as “like burning hot needles constantly pricking my skin.”

The physical pain and discomfort of mpox compounded by the psychological distress. The fear of the unknown, the isolation, and the stigma associated with the disease took a toll on his mental health. He described feeling anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed by the experience.

How Did He Recover From Monkeypox?

The healing process was slow and painful. The blisters eventually scabbed over, but the scabs were also painful and itchy. The man experienced significant scarring, which has had a lasting impact on his self-esteem.

The man’s experience highlights the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for mpox. While most cases resolve on their own, seeking medical attention can help alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.

Additionally, the man emphasized the importance of prevention. He urged individuals to be aware of the symptoms of mpox. Practice safe sex, and get vaccinate if eligible.

Read Also – Monkeypox Alert: Suspected Case Admitted to AIIMS Delhi

Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated Mpox a public health emergency of international concern for the second time in two years. The decision stemmed from the rapid spread of a new, extremely dangerous form of the virus across Africa.

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