Liver Cirrhosis: 5 Unusual Symptoms To Look Out For

Liver cirrhosis is a critical condition that scars the liver, and it could potentially lead to liver failure. Apart from the commonly known symptoms such as exhaustion, yellowing of the skin, and bloated stomach, there are some uncommon signs that may signal that one is battling with liver cirrhosis. Spotting these indicators early can pave the way to prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

Take note of these 5 less recognized symptoms:

Itchy Skin

Not widely recognized as a symptom of liver cirrhosis, constant skin itching can be an alarming sign. The medical community is yet to fully comprehend the reason for this skin itchiness, formally called pruritus, but it’s thought to be associated with the skin’s absorption of bile salts due to compromised liver functions. If you’ve a persistent itch that doesn’t seem to go away with conventional remedies, it might be wise to mention it to your doctor.

Flushed Palms And Liver Cirrhosis

A condition known as palmar erythema causes reddening or flushing of the palms. Increased estrogen levels, which can occur as a result of the liver’s reduced metabolic abilities in liver cirrhosis, cause this symptom. Although it could indicate other ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, it’s vital to factor in your liver health when observing this symptom, particularly if there are other matching signs.

Clubbed Fingers And Liver Cirrhosis

Finger clubbing, characterized by an enlargement and curving of the fingertips, is peculiar to advanced liver cirrhosis and relates to altered blood flow to the fingers. It can also signify lung or heart disease. But it’s important to explore the potential relation to liver conditions, particularly in people predisposed to liver cirrhosis.

“Man Boobs” or Gynecomastia

In liver cirrhosis, men may experience an enlargement of breast tissues, a condition known as gynecomastia. This unusual symptom occurs due to hormonal imbalances leading to escalated estrogen levels. There may be other causes for gynecomastia, including particular medications or hormonal disorders, but the possibility of liver cirrhosis should never be overlooked, especially if it is concurrent with other symptoms.

Mental Fog or Brain Fog

Advanced liver cirrhosis can lead to toxins accumulating in the bloodstream as a result of impaired liver function, impacting brain functions. This can cause confusion, focus problems, memory issues or personality shifts. These cognitive symptoms, categorised as hepatic encephalopathy, can be easily misattributed to other conditions. Any inexplicable confusion or behaviour changes should spur immediate medical consultation.

Be wary of all the warning symptoms of liver cirrhosis mentioned-above. Stay alert, stay healthy!

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