Manasthali Breathes New Life into Young Man Battling Schizophrenia

Manasthali, a well-known group that helps people with mental health issues, has helped a 28-year-old man who has schizophrenia feel much better. They gave him the right care and treatment. Schizophrenia is a tough mental illness that affects a lot of people around the world, including in India. A study in 2022 found that about 7 out of every 100 Indians with mental health problems have schizophrenia, which can vary in how serious it is.

Umesh Sandhu (Name Changed) found out he had schizophrenia when his parents noticed he was living in a world of his own. He talked strangely, believing he was very powerful, rich, or famous. These symptoms made it hard for him to do things on his own and connect with others, making his life difficult. Manasthali provided Umesh with tailored mental health care, focusing on his individual needs. Therapy sessions aimed to boost his coping skills, manage stress, and challenge distorted thoughts. Additionally, medication was administered to help him deal with psychotic episodes and stabilize his mood.

“Under the guidance and support of Manasthali’s dedicated and skilled health practitioners, Umesh made remarkable progress in his journey towards recovery. His hallucinations and delusions gradually decreased over time, allowing him to reclaim control of his life. With increased confidence and resilience, Umesh reconnected with his hobbies and interests, restored meaningful relationships with family and friends, and pursued his personal and professional goals with renewed zeal,” said Dr Jyoti Kapoor, Founder & Director, Manasthali.

Now, Umesh serves as an inspiration to others affected by schizophrenia. His story exemplifies the transformative power of compassionate care, perseverance, and hope in overcoming the challenges of mental illness. Manasthali remains steadfast in its mission to revolutionize mental health care and empower individuals affected by schizophrenia and other mental illnesses to reclaim their lives and realize their full potential.

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