Mega Free Health Checkup And Tuberculosis Detection Camp Organised By Rotary Club For BPL Group

The Rotary Club of Delhi Safdarjung, has organized a free-of-cost health camp for the BPL category at Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi.

Rotary Club of Delhi Safdarjung is the first women’s club in the country. It is now Celebrating its 30th year since being chartered in 1991.

The rotary motto is “Service above Self”. The members in the club come from diverse areas and include doctors, teachers, social activists, entrepreneurs and lawyers., with a strong commitment and passion to serve humanity.

On 18 and 19 September, a mega Free Health Checkup and Tuberculosis Detection Camp from has been organised from 10 am to 4 pm, where two eminent doctors (Dr Ankit Kumar and Dr. Faran Naim ) from Heamato- oncology dept of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Sarvodaya Cancer Institute, respectively who will be supporting the event, to do the testing of CBC, ECG, Blood Sugar, BP and Tuberculosis Detection, absolutely free of cost.

Around 200 people from Andrews Ganj Basti will be tested and will be given free medicines as per their requirements.

The venue is Mahila Pratiraksha Mandal, Andrews Ganj, which is one of the leading NGOs working for upliftment of women belonging to the underprivileged strata. And is supported by our Club for the past 20 years.

This year 21-22, under the leadership of President Natasha Chopra, the Club has completed a few environments and Community Service projects already and are on our way to organise some Free Health Checkup Camps in low-income group areas like Andrews Ganj, and many more.

“We are doing a health camp for the people living in this slum area which has a population of more than two thousand. Here we will be doing the testing of CBC, ECG, Blood Sugar, BP and Tuberculosis Detection, absolutely free of cost. This initiative is the first of its kind that we are doing it hasn’t been done before,” said Natasha Chopra, the President of the Club.

She added, “The special motive behind this is we feel that these are people who not voluntarily go to a doctor for health checkups and TB is very prominent but people will not go so in order to make things easier for them before they face any further complications. For the current Covid situation there is a form that we have put down which will ensure that whether they are vaccinated or not and the local counsellor who is managing this is also organising a camp, so anybody who has not been vaccinated will be sent to their camp tomorrow so that’s also being done.”

This is an awareness camp for health issues like diabetes, TB, Thalassemia as our club is a huge supporter of Thalassemia, the medical camp has been organized to inspire spread awareness of diseases among the BPL group people, to take care of their health and implement necessary lifestyle changes in accordance to prevailing pandemic conditions to live healthier lives,  she added.

The Club has earned a formidable reputation with a range of accolades including multiple platinum awards in the year just gone 2020-2021.

We request the media to cover this event in order to spread a message about this camp so that other NGO’s or corporate might join us later for helping the needy.

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