Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024: 5 Ways To Prevent UTI Right After Your Periods

UTI Pain

Celebration of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 is a gentle reminder of the necessity of maintaining impeccable menstrual hygiene to stave off various health issues. A primary concern for women post menstruation is the heightened potential for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). This content takes you through five potent measures to nip UTIs in the bud post your menstrual cycle.

Hydrate Well To Prevent UTI

Adequate hydration is key to flushing out bacteria from your urinary tract. Consuming enough water contributes to your overall health and minimizes the likelihood of UTIs. Strive to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily for a healthier and optimum-functioning urinary system.

Maintain Proper Cleanliness To Avoid UTI

Personal hygiene holds great significance in warding off UTIs. Ensure thorough cleaning of your genital area post menstruation and timely changing of sanitary pads or tampons. Beware of harsh soaps or perfumed products that may upset your vagina’s natural pH balance, thereby making it more prone to infections.

Urination Should Be Regular

Stalling urine for extended durations can prompt the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract, escalating the risk of UTIs. Urinate frequently, more so after your menstrual cycle, to flush out any harmful bacteria. Avoid suppressing the urge to urinate; make sure every urination session is complete.

Wear Breathable Underwear

The choice of underwear can also play an instrumental role in preventing UTIs. Opt for breathable cotton underwear that facilitates proper airflow to the genital region, reducing dampness and thwarting bacterial growth. Steer clear of tight synthetic fabric that can capture moisture, offering a conducive environment for bacteria to flourish.

Follow Healthy Diet Routine To Prevent UTI

A healthy and balanced diet critically impacts overall health, inclusive of urinary health. Incorporate food items rich in probiotics like yogurt and kefir to foster beneficial bacteria in your gut and urinary tract. Sidestep overconsumption of processed and sugary food items that can deplete your immune system and aid infections.

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