Practice Proper Hand Hygiene; Wash Your Hands With Soap And Water, Maintain Social Distancing: Commander Navneet Bali

Commander Navneet Bali, Director Regional Head of Northern Region, Narayana Health, in conversation with the Healthwire.

What are your views on Covid-19 and what Your Hospital is doing to combat this?

What we are facing is not an India-specific situation. It is a global problem. it’s a viral infection, which can affect anybody. Basically, this virus spreads through sneezing, coughing and the droplets moving from one human to another human. We are screening everyone, and asking about travel history of people. These two weeks are going to be very crucial for India.

Social Media is abuzz with rumour that the virus is not going to survive in the hot and humid weather conditions of India. People are talking about that warmer weather will slow the spread of coronavirus.

There is no scientific evidence that proves that that warmer weather will slow the spread of coronavirus. One should not believe this baseless rumor. Summer will not spread the virus. Sorry, this is not going to happen. There is no scientific evidence to prove this. Practice proper hand hygiene; wash your hands with soap and water, maintain social distancing, self-quarantine are all that you can do to protect yourself from the virus. And please don’t go after fake news. These are just irrational and  unscientific  facts.

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