Private Hospitals To Have Fixed Rates For Dengue Tests: Karnataka Health Minister

Bengaluru: Amid a surge in dengue cases, Karnataka is all set to announce a price cap on dengue tests in private hospitals. Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Tuesday directed officials to deliberate and fix a reasonable price cap on tests in all private hospitals and diagnostic laboratories in the State. 

The state has recorded 6,187 positive dengue cases and six deaths from January to the end of June, with a death rate of 0.09 per cent. The highest number of cases are being reported in Bengaluru, Chikkamagaluru, Mysuru, Haveri, Shivamogga, Chitradurga, and Dakshina Kannada districts.

Directing all hospitals, including private facilities, to mandatorily notify all dengue cases, the Health Minister said, “More dengue cases are being detected as the testing rate has increased by 42% compared to last year. Early detection can help prevent complications and fatalities. Officials from the Health Department and BBMP should be on alert and function in coordination,” the Minister said.

Dengue Prevention Tips: Door To Door Visit

Directing officials to ensure that every house is being visited and checked for the spread of the dengue virus and create awareness about its preventive measures, the Minister told the officials to conduct door-to-door surveys and create awareness.

“Officials should create awareness on the prevention of mosquito breeding and source reduction. BBMP officials and ASHAs should visit every house and educate people about keeping their surroundings clean. In rural areas, Medical Officers from Primary Health Centers should visit every school under their jurisdiction to create awareness among children and monitor the implementation of dengue preventive measures by the teachers. Science teachers have already been trained on dengue control and larvae destruction,” he said.

Dengue: Understanding The Virus And Its Symptoms

Dengue, a virus spread by mosquitoes, remains a major health concern globally. Recognizing the virus and its symptoms is key for effective prevention and management.

Dengue comes from the dengue virus, transmitted by infected female Aedes mosquitoes. There are four types of this virus (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4) that all can cause illness. Dengue fever is most common in tropical and subtropical areas, especially in cities and towns.

How Dengue Spreads

Aedes mosquitoes, which carry the dengue virus, breed in stagnant water. Areas with poor sanitation and water management are more prone to outbreaks. When an infected mosquito bites someone, the virus gets into their bloodstream, and symptoms appear within 4-10 days.


Are you infected by the dengue virus? Here are some of the symptoms you should look out for:

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing dengue focuses on controlling mosquito populations and avoiding bites. This includes removing standing water near homes, using insect repellent, and wearing protective clothing. While there is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue, managing symptoms and preventing complications are crucial.

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