Recondite And Unmissable Ayurvedic Tips For Younger-Looking Skin

If you start feeling younger, you start looking younger as well.

If you start feeling younger, you start looking younger as well.

Regardless of gender distinctions, it is an undeniable fact that everybody wants younger-looking and radiant skin. That is why most people end up spending recklessly on chemical and artificial skin care products that do more harm to your skin than good. And they fail to realize that Ayurveda, the ancient natural healing system, is a panacea for all skin care-related problems. It offers various natural and organic homemade remedies, skincare tips, and routines to attain a healthy and naturally glowing skin care. The basic epithet of the Ayurvedic skincare regime is that feeling and looking younger are two separate things. If you start feeling younger, you start looking younger as well.

According to Vikas Chawla – Founder and Director, Vedas Cure – the anti-aging concept In Ayurveda’s terminology is known as RASAYANA and it entails an awe-inspiring list of herbs, physical exercises, and the inclusion of daily dietary changes that invigorates a natural flow of energy.

Vikas Chawla, Founder and Director, Vedas Cure.

Speaking to Health Wire, Vikas Chawla shared some tips recommended by the traditional medical system for younger-looking skin externally and internally too.

Youth activating antioxidants herbs

Natural antioxidants prevent cell damage and also repairs damaged skin. It bolsters the blood flow, thereby reversing the sign of aging. Some antioxidants are Ashwagandha, Amla, Guduchi, and Ginseng.

Apply Ghee

Applying ghee to the skin is a magical potion in Ayurvedic studies, giving nourishment to the skin and improving the skin tone. Cow ghee is most useful for this purpose. The older the ghee, the more beneficial it is for the skin. Ghee is salubrious in increasing Kapha and declining Pitta and Vata. Ghee removes all the skin doshas and is a goldmine for skin treatment.

Kumkumadi Oil

This one is an elixir for people who have acne and zits on their faces. Putting Kumkumadi oil prevents acne, pimples, and rashes from popping out in your face and moisturizes the skin really well. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which soothe the skin and give it the natural proteins it needs.

The other common factor one can use for glowing, healthy and younger looking skin. The first step in the direction is adopting a healthy lifestyle and follows it.

This one is a no-brainer. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and good habits is a crucial step in Ayurvedic skin treatment.

Detox your body

Skin and body detoxification are both equally important in getting younger and healthier skin. Plan a detox day and get rid of the toxic elements in your body internally.

Keep yourself hydrated all the time

Drinking water at regular intervals cleans all the toxins of your body and gives it the never-ending glow that you desire.

Opt for a healthier diet

Easy to guess, right! A healthy diet results in healthy skin. Consuming more fruits, detox drinks and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, berries, apricots, and nuts is an uncompromising condition for healthy-looking skin.

Don’t skip your workouts

Good workout regimes ensure a good blood flow needed for a healthy body. For starting, go for at least half an hour walk or exercise daily. Daily exercise makes sure that nothing steals away your radiant and young skin.

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