Remedies For The Postpartum Period Through Homoeopathy

Toxemia of pregnancy Pre eclampsia is characterised by High blood pressure, proteinuria and oedema.

Toxemia of pregnancy Pre eclampsia is characterised by High blood pressure, proteinuria and oedema.

By – Dr Ummekulsum Baghwala, Homeopath

Everyone knows how homeopathy is safe and useful in pregnancy, but a lesser-known fact is how beautifully homeopathy can help with postpartum issues. Will discuss a few common issues here along with a few homeopathic remedies that can be useful in such conditions.

Note that remedies mentioned here are just a few of many remedies that can be useful for a particular issue. But these should never be taken without doctors consent and needs to be administered in the right potency and repeated correctly.

1. Postpartum haemorrhage

It is the excessive bleeding after childbirth of > 500ml following normal vaginal or > 1000ml in cesarean delivery or causing hemodynamic instability.

1. Uterine atony
2. Retained placenta
3. Uterine trauma
4. Multiparity
5. Overdistension of the uterus – twins, increased amniotic fluid
6. Prolonged labor
7. Previous history of PPH
8. Effect of certain drugs

Presents with signs and symptoms of hypovolemia- palpitation, tachycardia, weakness, pallor, oliguria, collapse, air hunger, and anuria.

Homeopathic treatment can be given based on the constitutional tendency to haemorrhage, the cause, and the presenting symptoms along with corrective therapy for the lost blood.

Homeopathic remedies useful in this condition:

Nitric acid, pulsatilla, chinchona offincialis, ustiligo maydis,trilliumnpendulum

2. Lactation

It is the secretion of milk from mammary glands brought about by the interaction of hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, estrogen and progesterone.

Breast diseases during the lactation period include –

1. problems of the nipples, like cracks ( due to breast engorgrment, breast pump misuse, improper nursing technique ) and abrasions,ulcerations.
2. Milk stasis – can be due to blockage of the ducts, insufficient emptying, no proper production of milk.
3. Puerperal mastitis – painful inflammation in your breast tissue that can lead to a bacterial infection.
4. Abscesses – Sometimes, a bacterial infection leads to an abscess.

Homeopathy comes into play in treating breast engorgements, in relieving pain, aids in production if necessary or helps in proper milk flow when treated according to the symptoms presented by the lactating mother.

Homeopathic remedies for lactation related issues:

Helionias, aethus cynapium, graphitis, castor equi, oleander

3. Retained placenta


Usually, the placenta gets separated from the uterine cavity within a few minutes and expelled within 15-20 after childbirth. It is said to be retained if not separated and expelled within half an hour to one hour after the delivery.


1. Abnormal uterine contractions leading to entrapment of the placenta
2. An atonic uterus with poor contraction.
3. Abnormally adherent placenta either partially or completely.

Risk factors include – High parity

Prior history of retained placenta/uterine surgery Preterm delivery
Congenital uterine anomaly

If a retained placenta is not treated, the mother is susceptible to both infection and extreme blood loss, which could be life-threatening.

Homeopathic remedies help in controlling the hemorrhage, and treating infection,
weakness, and convulsions after retained placenta when given in accordance with the cause for retained placenta and the presenting symptoms.

These are few remedies useful in case of retained placenta. Caulophyllum, cantharis, sec cor, sabina, arnica montana, gossipium

4. Toxemia of pregnancy

Pre eclampsia is characterised by High blood pressure, proteinuria and oedema.
Usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy. When this symptomatology is added with convulsions it turns into eclampsia.

Risk factors include

4.1. Previous pregnancy/ Family history of preeclampsia
4.2. Multifetal gestation
4.3. Kidney, Autoimmune disorders
4.4. Type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus
4.5. Chronic hypertension
4.6. Maternal age ≥ 35
4.7. BMI > 30

Continuous monitoring along with homeopathic remedies when given by keenly observing the seizure episodes – how/ where do they begin, patient’s behaviour during the episode, modalities etc, are taken into account while prescribing. Thus helps in treating such cases.

Homeopathic remedies:
Cicuta virosa, cuprum metallicum, glonoine, apis mellifica, zincm metallicum.

5. Peuperal fever
It is an abnormal condition resulting from infection of a part of female reproductive system leading to rise in temperatur eabove 38 degree celsius during postpartum period.

5.1. UTI
5.2. Genital tract infections
5.3. Postoperative infections following cesarean delivery/forceps delivery
5.4. Mastitis
5.5. Other infections

Risk factors include home birth in unhygienic conditions, low socioeconomic status, poor nutrition, primiparity, prolonged rupture of membranes, prolonged labor, anemia, cesarean section, obstetrical maneuvers, retained secundines in uteri and postpartum hemorrhage.

If untreated it may lead to complications such as adhesions, hemorrhage, septicaemia, abscess formations etc,.

Homeopathic treatment takes into consideration of the patient’s susceptibility to certain infections and the presenting totality, physical general condition, symptomatology in each stage of fever and every minute change in the health of the patient thus leading to cure and general well-being.

Homeopathic remedies for puerperal fever:

beladonna, veratrum viride, aconite napellus, chamomilla, cimicifuga

Few other conditions like Peuperal sycosis, retention of urine after labour, puerperal depression, and joint and muscle pain.

The scope of which is never talked about is homeopathy but it does exist and heals beautifully.

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