Right to Sight: Rajasthan becomes first state to implement policy for blindness – Check Details

A campaign for eye donation will be run on an extensive level by the state government.

A campaign for eye donation will be run on an extensive level by the state government.

Prevalence Rate of Blindness in the Country was 1.1 per cent in 2020

Right to Sight, Health News: The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness jointly launched the ‘Right to Sight’ initiative in 1999. Taking a cue from that, the Rajasthan government has implemented a policy for blindness control. It is to be noted that Rajasthan has become the first state in the country to implement such a policy.

The policy document for the prevention of blindness has been released by the Department of Medical and Health. On the direction of Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, a massive drive will be undertaken in the State to reduce the rate of blindness.

The policy aims to bring light to the lives of over three lakh people suffering from visual impairment in the state. As per the report, the prevalence rate of blindness in the country was 1.1 per cent in 2020. As part of this policy, efforts will be made to bring it down to 0.3 per cent.

Keratoplasty Centres and Eye Banks will be run under the policy at all medical colleges of the state government.

Also, private organisations and NGOs who are getting financial help from the government in the collection of the cornea will have to provide it to the government institutions on priority.

Efforts will be made to eliminate visual impairment in the districts with the help of collaboration with voluntary organisations, hospitals, trusts and other charitable institutions working in this field.

In this regard, a campaign for eye donation will be run on an extensive level by the state government. Private institutions will also participate in the drive. Eye experts, surgeons, post-graduate students along with counsellors working for eye donation and eye assistants will be imparted special training.

As part of the policy, public awareness and various technical improvement activities related to curing blindness will be organised, said Medical and Health Department Secretary Prithvi.

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