Stomach Flu Cases Rise In Delhi: Prevention Tips To Keep Yourself Safe

New Delhi: The stomach flu, or viral gastroenteritis as the docs call it, spreads like wildfire, and lately, Delhi’s been hit hard. People are dealing with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which puts a serious dent in their day-to-day routine. We need to be proactive about dodging this growing health menace.

What Is Stomach Flu Virus?

It’s a virus (like the norovirus or rotavirus) that wrecks your gut. It travels via contaminated food and water, through close contact with sick people, or by touching virus-infected surfaces. Just a few days after exposure, you’ll be feeling the symptoms, and they can last for days, giving you a real tough time.

How To Stay Safe From Stomach Flu Virus Attack?

A big part of winning the fight against this virus is hygiene. Washing your hands often, especially before whipping up your meals, can tackle the viruses and bacteria that might be partying on your skin. Don’t forget to disinfect your countertops and doorknobs – anything you touch often – this will cut down your chances of picking up the virus.

Keeping your body fit and ready to fight off invaders like the flu viruses is vital. Feed it with the good stuff – fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains. They’re like the body’s A-team, ready to boost immunity and fend off the virus. And remember to drink up. Water is your best friend, but avoid the sugar-laden and caffeinated ones which can leave you dehydrated.

Stomach Flu Virus Spreading In Delhi: What To Know?

To those living or visiting Delhi, be extra careful about what you eat and drink. Street food or shady eateries might be a breeding ground for the flu virus. Stick to food that’s freshly cooked and opt for bottled or boiled water to cut down on exposure to the bug.

If you’re hit by symptoms like continuous vomiting, diarrhea, or nasty abdominal cramps, don’t hesitate to call in the doctors. While most folks get over the stomach flu with rest and plenty of fluids, some cases might need a bit of medical help, especially to avoid dehydration.

End Note: he rise in stomach flu cases in Delhi is a wake-up call for us to do what we can to prevent it. Good hygiene, healthy eating, cautious choices about food and drink, and quick medical help when needed can make a huge difference. Always remember to stay aware, stay ready, and most importantly, focus on your health amidst this growing health concern.

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