Study Shows Candle Smoke Might Cause Adverse Health Effects In People With Mild Asthma

Everyone needs to monitor the indoor climate.

Everyone needs to monitor the indoor climate.

After a hectic day, the soft candlelight glow helps people relax and enjoy a peaceful evening. However, a recent study conducted by the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University has revealed that breathing in too much candle smoke might result in some adverse health effects.

The co-author of the study, Karin Rosenkilde Laursen has said that air pollution caused by candle burn smoke and cooking fumes can cause irritation and inflammation in young people who suffer from mild asthma. The authors of the study have also found traces of DNA damage and symptoms of inflammation in the bloodstream.

Effects of candle and cooking fumes on young adults

Laursen has said that when we burn candles or cook something, it leads to the production of ultrafine particles and gases, that are inhaled by people while breathing. Many past researches have noted that such particles and gases can be deadly and can lead to serious health consequences. The latest study has focused on the effects of candle and cooking fumes on young adults suffering from mild asthma, in the age range of 18 to 25 years.

The findings of the study show that even teenagers with mild asthma can develop uneasiness and adverse effects if the room is not sufficiently ventilated when candles are burning or during cooking. It is considered that young adults are usually more resilient as compared to elderly and middle-aged people. Hence, it is a huge matter of concern that the study has found a major negative effect of ultrafine particles among this young age group.

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Laursen has advised that not only people suffering from asthma but everyone needs to monitor the indoor climate. The authors of the study have said that during winter people tend to light candles and keep the doors and windows closed while cooking, which can lead to serious issues linked to the respiratory system and breathing. Maintaining a healthier indoor atmosphere is very essential to help mitigate the events of severe lung and cardiovascular ailments.

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