Are you frequently bothered by gas and bloating that cause discomfort and disrupt your day? Though over-the-counter medications may provide a quick fix, opting for natural and effective remedies, like yoga asanas, might be more beneficial for long-term relief. Here are 5 yoga poses you could embrace to help ease your gas and bloating woes in no time:
Pavanamuktasana, or the Wind-Relieving Pose
As the name suggests, the Wind-Relieving Pose is one such gentle yoga asana that primarily focuses on your abdominal area. All it requires you to do is to hug your knees to your chest while lying flat on your back. This not only aids digestion but also helps release any trapped gas, providing instant relief from bloating and discomfort.
Paschimottanasana, or the Seated Forward Bend
Paschimottanasana, well-known as the Seated Forward Bend, is another effective yoga pose for gas and bloating relief. When you fold forward from a seated position, you compress your abdomen and massage the internal organs, boosting digestion and reducing bloating. Plus, this asana helps calm your mind and relieve stress, which often contributes to digestive issues.
Marjaryasana-Bitilasana, or the Cat-Cow Pose
A wonderful blend of two poses, the Cat-Cow Pose is a unique yoga sequence that improves spinal flexibility and massages the abdominal organs. This gentle flow boosts circulation in your digestive system and releases trapped air, aiding in reducing bloating and improving digestion. Regular practice can lead to more long-lasting relief.
Balasana, or Child’s Pose
A restorative yoga asana, the Child’s Pose can relieve gas and bloating effectively by gently compressing your abdomen. As you fold forward, resting your forehead on the mat, you can easily relax your body and mind, thereby assisting digestion. Moreover, it helps ease tension in the abdominal area, resulting in reduced discomfort.
Setu Bandhasana, or Bridge Pose
The Bridge Pose is a backbend pose that invigorates the abdominal organs and boosts digestion. As you lie on your back and elevate your hips and chest, you create space in your abdomen and increase blood flow to your digestive system. This pose can help ease gas and bloating while simultaneously strengthening your core muscles.
By performing the above-mentioned 5 yoga asanas you can instantly get rid of gas and bloating!