Summer Heart Attacks: What You Need To Do To Keep the Heart Safe?

Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Undeniably, summer rings in plenty of sunshine and enjoyment; however, it also comes with an unexpected guest – a heightened risk of heart attacks. Two things are vital for a healthy summer – understanding why heart attacks are common during summer months and how to maintain optimal heart health.

Heat and Dehydration

Hot weather, coupled with a lack of hydration, poses significant challenges for our hearts. Dehydration leads to thicker blood which demands more effort from the heart to pump effectively. This strain is particularly threatening for individuals with existing heart conditions.

Outdoor Activities

Take caution with high-intensity outdoor activities in scorching weather like sports. The heart can come under pressure as the body’s cooling system redirects blood flow away from it, potentially causing heart disturbances.


The season is infamous for the influx of unhealthy food options – fried treats, sugary beverages, and excessive alcohol. These elements can fast-track cholesterol levels, heighten blood pressure, and foster obesity, all culprits of heart disease.

Sun Exposure

Excessive exposure to the sun can result in heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both taxing on the heart. To preserve heart health, it’s crucial to stay hydrated, seek shade, and limit sun exposure.

Guarding Your Heart

Here are a few things that you need to do in order to protect your heart health:

Maintain Hydration: To combat summer heart attacks, hydration is key. Quench your thirst predominantly with water throughout the day, particularly during outdoor engagements. Avoid dehydrating drinks laden with sugar or high caffeine content.

Exercise Smarter: Staying physically active bolsters heart health, but smart exercising is paramount in summer. Opt for outdoor sessions during the cooler parts of the day, wear breathable clothing, and never ignore any signs of chest discomfort or pain – seek medical attention promptly.

Healthy Eating: Harness the bounty of summer with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, thereby laying the foundation of a heart-friendly diet. Keep processed and high-fat foods, as well as sugary delights at bay to reduce heart strain.

Protect From the Sun: Shielding yourself from harmful sun rays is non-negotiable for overall wellness. Make a habit of wearing sun protection gear including sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, and seek out shaded areas when outdoors to prevent heat-related illnesses and various heart complications.

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