Super-Spreader Santa Claus Distributed Gifts; 157 Sick, 18 Killed In Belgium

Taking a gift from Santa Claus became a nightmare for individuals living in care homes in Belgium. As he was positive for the novel coronavirus, 121 individuals living in care homes, and 36 staff members were contaminated by Santa Claus. Out of these, so far, 18 people have died.

The employees of Antwerp’s care home in Belgium wanted to raise the morale of the elderly living there, according to the Daily Mail’s article. They, therefore, decided to call Santa Claus so that he could obtain gifts from the elderly. They trained a doctor to become Santa Claus for this, caring for the residents of the care home.

The doctor became Santa Claus about 2 weeks ago, according to the schedule, and came to the care home. He was not feeling well when Santa arrived, according to the staff. He spent time with the elders and had several gifts given.

Santa Claus did not know at the time that he was infected with a coronavirus. When he became ill later, he had his test done, and his results came out positive. People living in nursing homes have begun to test positive for the virus after this.

According to the report, 121 individuals and 36 workers have been infected with coronavirus so far. Five people lost their lives the day before Christmas and on Christmas Day.

So far, 18 individuals from nursing homes have lost their lives. The administration named Santa Claus the “super spreader” after the increase in Corona’s case.

Mayor Wim Keyers said that it would be very tough for the care home for the next 10 days. When giving presents to the elderly, he acknowledged that the laws were not followed. Even though he had said earlier that all the rules were followed.

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