Renowned Tamil and Malayalam actor Daniel Balaji, known for his impactful performances, passed away in Chennai. The actor, whose stage name was TC Balaji, reportedly succumbed to a heart attack at a private hospital in Kottivakam on Friday night. He was 48 years old.
According to the reports, the actor was rushed to the hospital after complaining of chest pain on Friday. Following his death, his body was taken to his residence in Purasaiwalkam for the final rites.
Heart Attack In Men: Warning Signs And Symptoms
Heart attacks are no respecters of age or gender – they can strike anyone. But men have telltale signs to look out for which may warn of the threat of a heart attack sooner than later. Recognising these signs not only safeguards one’s heart health but can save lives as well.
Sudden Chest Pain
A telltale sign of a potential heart attack for men is chest discomfort or pain. The discomfort ranges from a minimal annoyance to full-blown agony that feels like an intense pressure or squeeze. Chest pain is a signal from your body that it needs immediate medical help.
Shortness of Breathe
A man undergoing a heart attack may find himself suddenly gasping for breath, regardless of whether they’re physically active. Breathlessness that co-exists with chest discomfort may indicate a heart attack. Under no circumstance should this sign be swept under the rug.
Pain In Upper Body Parts
A heart attack can express itself in forms of pain or discomfort in parts of the body besides the chest – arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. Unexplained pain in these regions may indeed suggest that a heart attack is at play.
Ingigestion or Gastric Issues
Some men may have symptoms like unsettled stomach or even throwing up prior to or during a heart attack. While these symptoms could denote other issues, coupled with other signs of concern, they demand immediate attention.
Feling Faint or Dizziness
Dizziness or feeling faint may be another ominous sign of a heart attack. This sudden out-of-balance sensation coupled with chest pain or a halt in breaths, seeks immediate attention. Disregard prolonged or worsening giddiness at your own peril.
Excessive Sweating
Men undergoing a heart attack can experience sudden dry, clammy sweats that are not due to physical strain or a heatwave outside. Once followed by other symptoms, it demands urgent medical input.
Extreme Exhaustion or Fatigue
Severe or sudden weakness or fatigue that goes beyond explanatory reasons could also be an indication of a heart-stirring. Overbearing fatigue or difficulty performing daily tasks should never be ignored and warrants medical attention.