Third Wave Would Be Less Intense Compared With The First And Second One: Says Expert

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The fear created across the spectrum by the outbreak of Covid-19 hasn’t spared the corporate world. Fear is at the top of everyone’s mind, but how to ‘Beat the Fear’ needs to be discussed as many corporate employees have lost their jobs during the pandemic. Considering the essence of discussing corporate health and wellness amid the fear, HEAL Health organised ‘Beat the Fear’ eSummit – HEAL-Thy Samvaad, episode-20 in knowledge partnership with HEAL Foundation & OMNI Hospitals. The corporate health & wellness talks were held at the summit at length.

While speaking at ‘Beat the Fear’ eSummit – HEAL-Thy Samvaad, episode-20, Dr Rashmi Saluja, Executive Chairperson at Religare Enterprises Ltd said, “There is a fear of job security or salary deduction amongst the employees, which impacts overall health, especially mental health of the employees. Thus, the employers need to ensure the job security of the employees, showing that the company is standing with them in all good and bad times. Treating your company as a family and its employees as family members is the key to sustain in hard times. Communication also plays a pivotal role in destressing the employees. Dietetic training programmes are required to keep the employees physically and mentally fit. Yoga and group counselling also works wonders in keeping everyone healthy. The management of the corporation needs to be compassionate with the employees. The fear of unknown or uncertainty has gone because people are now receptive to unforeseen situations.”

Pointing to the importance of destressing in ensuring overall health during ‘Beat the Fear’ eSummit – HEAL-Thy Samvaad, episode-20, Dr Aloke, Mullick, CEO, OMNI Hospital, said, “The third wave would be less intense compared with the first and the second. In fact, we are already into the third wave of COVID with low intensity. After COVID, the one prevalent change is that the doctors and the patients have become more sensitised about remote medicine and telemedicine at home care. Hospitals are getting back to their normal functioning. To ease out the stressful employees in the corporate, the managers must be kind to them, supporting, motivating and smiling. If somebody is stressed out, it is better to take off, chill out, recharge yourself and then come back to work, meditation also helps in this regard.”

Full of positive vibes amid the shielding fear around during the trying time of Covid-19 pandemic, Ms Shagun Singhal, Entrepreneur, Columnist, Branding Expert & Motivational Speaker, while moderating ‘Beat the Fear’ eSummit – HEAL-Thy Samvaad, episode-20, said, “I am hopeful in this COVID times, and I will take a breath now. Every cell in my body is activated and energised. I release my anxiety, and I am fully conscious of my being. I am a very important part of this universe. I see hope in the sun’s rays. I accept my life and feel gratitude for everything in my life. I know my destiny has positive plans for me. Service brings joy and I believe in serving mankind. I feel joy when others smile and I feel pain when others are sad. So, no fear, no worry, live life with positivity.”

While speaking during ‘Beat the Fear’ eSummit – HEAL-Thy Samvaad, episode-20 on how mindful eating can facilitate disease prevention and management, Mr Sourish Bhattacharyya, Curator, IHE2021 Conclave and Awards; Co-Founder, Tasting India Symposium; Contributing Writer, Sommelier India said, “To stay healthy, mindful eating is very important, and for that, we need to change our mindset towards eating. People working with corporate tend to eat calorie-laden fast food and avoid healthy foods. They also binge eat, which is harmful to health. Therefore, changing the mindset towards healthy eating, and being mindful while eating is very much required.”

“Smiling is one of the best things to deal with fear and unpredictability. Try to rationalise your thoughts and believe in your strengths. You need to meditate as it helps you relax and feel good; it also empowers you to face tough and unpredictable situations. We need to do gratitude exercises, be positive, and anticipate that everything in future will be good. The employees working with corporate are stressed, especially during COVID times, so the employers should make them happy, which will help maintain the productivity,” said Dr Bhavna Barmi, Founder – Happiness Studio & Senior Clinical Psychologist – Fortis Escort Heart Institute, New Delhi. 

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