Thousands Flock to Koppal Village for ‘Wonder Pill’ Claiming to Cure Asthma

A small village in Koppal district woke up to a very exciting morning on Saturday as thousands of people from all over the country came to receive an herbal medicine that supposedly claims to cure respiratory problems, especially asthma. This herbal medicine is called ‘wonder pill’.

This wonder pill is said to be made by a traditional healer named as Ashok Rao Kulkarni. This herbal medicine has been attracting people from Maharashtra, Karnataka and many other southern states to the village of Kutaganahalli.

According to Kulkarni, this herbal medicine needs to be taken at a specific time when the moon moves from the ‘Mrugashira Nakshatra’ to the ‘Ardra Nakshatra’. This auspicious time, known as ‘Muhurta,’ was at 7:47 am on Saturday.

Kulkarni’s family says that the medicine works best during ‘Jyeshtha Maasa’ in the Hindu lunar calendar, especially when it rains in the region. Because of this, a huge crowd gathered on Saturday. The Kulkarni family has been giving this medicine to people for over a hundred years.

“Earlier my father Vyasa Rao Kulkarni gave this medicine for 60 years and after him, I started giving it. This is my 40th year distributing the medicines,” Kulkarni told reporters in Kutaganahalli.

People have trusted this medicine for generations now, which is why they come to the village in large numbers to get it free of cost. Wearing dhoti with a tilak on his forehead, Kulkarni was ready with the round pills to give to those in need.

This event was a big affair. Expecting a huge crowd to be present many vendors set up stalls for vegetables, food and many other items. There was a long queue of people waiting to receive the secret of the Kulkarins, the wonder pill.

The long-standing belief in the value of the herbal medicine continues to draw people from near and far, seeking relief from their respiratory diseases.

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