Two Tiny Tots Triumph Over Rare Disorders

Two tiny tots triumph over rare disorders with the exceptional NICU care at Narayana Health

Two tiny tots triumph over rare disorders with the exceptional NICU care at Narayana Health

Narayana Health’s NICU Care Overcomes Odds, Saves Two Tiny Tots with Rare Disorders

Bengaluru, May 25, 2023 – Narayana Health (NH), a leading healthcare institution, defied global statistics and successfully treated two infants battling rare and challenging disorders. These extraordinary cases involved a premature baby born at just 23 weeks and 5 days gestation and a collodion baby with a rare genetic disorder. The dedicated multidisciplinary team at NH Bengaluru provided intensive care and devised comprehensive treatment plans, leading to a successful outcome for both infants.

In the first case, Baby of Mrs. Manju, weighing a mere 665 grams, faced severe respiratory distress, under-developed lungs, and kidneys. Additionally, the infant battled feeding intolerance, neonatal sepsis, and laryngomalacia. Dr. Harini Sreedaran, Consultant – Pediatrics & Neonatology at Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, Narayana Health City, Bangalore, expressed pride in the infant’s progress despite the uphill battle. The baby gained weight, transitioned to oral feeds, and is now ready to be discharged home with minimal oxygen assistance. Dr. Sreedaran emphasized the testament to the hospital’s dedicated NICU Care in enabling the baby’s survival despite the extremely early gestation.

Premature Baby and Collodion Baby Triumph Over Life-Threatening Conditions

The second case involved Baby of Mrs. R, born as a collodion baby with tight, waxy, shiny skin resembling plastic wrap. This condition resulted in eye abnormalities, an inability to close the eyelids, and an outward-turning upper lip. The baby faced risks of infections, respiratory distress, and electrolyte imbalances due to the dry, itchy, and scaly skin. Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal, Senior Consultant & HOD Pediatrics at Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, praised the multidisciplinary approach involving dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and neonatologists. The baby received specialized management within a controlled incubator environment, including emollients and frequent dressing changes. The remarkable progress demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment.

The rarity and complexity of these cases were acknowledged by the doctors, who highlighted the immense challenges faced by infants born prematurely or with the collodion baby condition. Despite a global mortality rate of 53% for babies born at such gestational age, the dedicated team at NH Bengaluru provided critical care and achieved successful outcomes for these extraordinary infants.

Dr. Harini Sreedaran emphasized the significance of ICU support in saving newborn lives, calling attention to the expertise and dedication of the NICU team and collaboration among specialists. The recovery period of nearly four weeks for the collodion baby underlined the complexity of their condition. Long-term follow-up for both infants remain a priority for Narayana Health.

This heartening tale of two tiny tots showcases the resilience and strength of newborns, as well as the crucial role played by pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) in delivering specialized medical care to critically ill children. Narayana Health’s experienced experts aim to raise awareness about the vital role of PICUs in providing life-saving interventions for infants with genetic disorders.

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