Updates ON Coronavirus: London, Washington Announce Massive Economic Package; Amitabh Bachchan Gets A ‘Home Quarantined’ Stamp On His Hand, And More…

London and Washington on Tuesday announced massive economic stimulus packages. President Donald Trump said the White House was discussing a “substantial” spending bill with Congress that would include immediate cash payments to Americans. Officials did not give hard numbers but The Washington Post reported the amount could reach $850 billion, with a chunk destined for airlines fearing ruin. “We’re going big,” Trump told reporters. British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak also unveiled an “unprecedented package” of government-backed loans worth 330 billion pounds ($400 billion) for businesses struggling in the sudden economic paralysis caused by mass self-quarantine. France has pledged a 45 billion euro ($50 billion) aid package. German Chancellor Angela Merkel meanwhile confirmed the 30-day “entry ban” into the EU.

Maharashtra Cyber Police has warned of strict action against rumour-mongers who spread misleading and unverified information on social media regarding COVID-19, an official said on Wednesday. According to the official, police have stepped up online surveillance to identify senders of such fake news and other content. At 42, Maharashtra has reported the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the country so far.

Amid rising concern over coronavirus situation, Amitabh Bachchan took to Twitter to share a picture of his hand with a ‘Home Quarantined’ stamp on it. Late Tuesday night, the actor tweeted a picture of his hand with a ‘Home Quarantined’ stamp on it. “T 3473 – Stamping started on hands with voter ink, in Mumbai .. keep safe, be cautious, remain isolated if detected..,” he posted. Bachchan has been actively spreading the word on coronavirus on social media.

Wimbledon organisers are still planning to play the Grand Slam this year, despite the coronavirus chaos that led the French Open to be pushed back until September. Wimbledon is scheduled to run from June 29 to July 12, but All England Club chiefs are aware the sporting schedule has been decimated by the deadly pandemic. French Open bosses on Tuesday revealed the clay-court event will move from its scheduled spring slot to September.

Hollywood star Tom Hanks on Wednesday said he and his wife, actor Rita Wilson don’t have fever but feel the “blahs” since their discharge from an Australian hospital after testing positive for the coronavirus. The actors, both 63, checked out of a Gold Coast medical facility on Tuesday after spending a week in self-isolation. Hanks took to Instagram to give an update, his first, after their release from the hospital. “Hey folks. Good News: One week after testing Positive, in self-isolation, the symptoms are much the same. No fever but the blahs,” he said.

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