Weight Loss Tips: Avoid These Food Combinations For Better Results

weight loss

If you really want to have dessert, it is always advisable to have it a few minutes later.

From cardiovascular risks to fatty liver conditions, there are several negative effects of being overweight. This is why doctors and health experts always urge people to stay within the recommended limits of weight. There are several options for those who are aiming for weight loss, but it is often observed that many people fail to achieve desired results.

Losing weight can be a tough task if you are not doing everything right – be it your exercise routine or following a proper diet chart. When it comes to diet, most of us tend to make some very common mistakes. While it is beneficial to consult experts before planning weight loss, today we are going to tell you about certain food combinations that you should avoid for better results.

Avoid These Mistakes to Lose Weight

Having tea and snacks together

Tea is simply an integral part of life and most of us can’t imagine living a single day without it. Having snacks with tea is common in several households. However, it has a negative impact on your body. Tea contains tannins and caffeine and when combined with food has an impact on iron absorption. It can also cause acidity and bloating.

Milk and banana

Consuming milk with some bananas is a very common thing in several households. They both are highly nutritious, but their combination can lead to weight gain. It is always better to maintain a gap of 20-30 minutes between consuming them.

Deserts After Meal

Desserts complete our meal. A scoop of our favorite dessert is a must after a meal. But this can create an unnecessary burden on the guts. But desserts can stress your already full tummy. If you really want to have dessert, it is always advisable to have it a few minutes later.

Rice and bread together

Glycemic index or GI index is high in both roti and rice. Starch intake can increase when you will have both of them together. This can lead to indigestion, bloating and might disturb your metabolism.

Too much protein in one meal

It is known that consuming a higher-than-usual amount of protein can be helpful in weight loss. But it is also important to not exceed the limit above the level that your body can digest properly. Having lots of proteins in a single sitting can create an extra burden on the stomach to digest it. Therefore, it is better to spread protein intake throughout the day.

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