Yellow Urine: 5 Diseases That Can Change Colour of Your Pee

It’s pretty common to observe changes in your urine color, with yellow being one of the most frequent. Your urine can turn yellow due to straightforward reasons like being a bit dehydrated or eating certain meals. However, there are times when your yellow urine might hint at a more significant health issue. Let’s delve into some of the health conditions which might lead to your urine changing color for you to stay alert.

Extreme Dehydration And Yellow Urine

Dehydration is a typical cause of yellow urine. Simply put, when you’re not drinking enough water, your body reacts by expelling concentrated urine, leading to a darker yellow. It’s vital not just for your overall health, but also for maintaining your pee a healthy light yellow color, to keep your body hydrated.

Liver Health Problems

Then again, yellow urine can be a warning sign of liver disease. If you have conditions like hepatitis or cirrhosis, your liver might not work as it should, causing bilirubin to build up in your body. Bilirubin, a yellow pigment usually processed by your liver, can increase its levels if your liver starts malfunctioning, resulting in yellow pee.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)

Another reason for yellow-colored urine can be a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs often come with symptoms like the need to pee frequently, feeling discomfort or a burning sensation when you pee. The visual appearance of pus or blood in your pee can also make your urine appear yellow. It’s crucial to see a doctor immediately if you suspect a UTI to avoid any complications.

Jaundice And Yellow Urine

A condition recognized by yellowing of your skin and eyes, known as jaundice, can also change your urine’s color. It happens when there’s too much bilirubin in your blood, causing an overall yellow glow. Jaundice might be indicating other serious health issues including liver, gallbladder, or blood disorders. If you observe yellow urine along with signs of jaundice like yellow skin or eyes, make sure to see a health expert without delay.

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