73 Years Old Gets New Life With Quickest TAVR Procedure Performed In 25 Min At Medanta Gurugram

Managing Heart Failure, Diabetes, and Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Approach

Managing Heart Failure, Diabetes, and Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Approach

Heart procedures can be extremely complicated even for highly skilled doctors, and one way to reduce risks is for a hospital to have a Hybrid Operating system, where cardiology and cardiac surgery procedures can be done in the same operating room.

Indian doctors are taking giant steps towards bringing world-class cutting-edge technology in India. Well-trained and highly skilled multi-specialty cardiac teams of the hospitals are performing such complicated surgeries in the quickest possible way to save lives.

One such procedure has been performed by Dr. Praveen Chandra, Chairman – Interventional & Structural Heart Cardiology, Heart Institute Medanta – The Medicity.

73-year-old male was Hypertensive (High Blood Pressure) and he was suffering from Severe Aortic Stenosis (Narrowing of Aortic Valve in the Heart because of calcium deposition on Valve leaflets) fluoroscopic guidance using an Edward Sapien-3 TAVR. Patient had severe Kidney disease also, which made the procedure more challenging.

“This patient’s heart was arrested, and he was revived after CPR (Chest Compression), he rushed to us at Medanta-The Medicity, where he got the primary treatment and within 48 hours of hospitalization, he was treated with TAVR. This patient Bicuspid Aortic Valve (Two leaflet in Aortic valve, instead of three in a normal Aortic Valve). This patient was an extremely high risk for the open-heart surgery. We got great results after the TAVR procedure, as the Mean gradient was 4 post procedure, means the new implanted valve was working perfectly immediately after the procedure. there was No leak from the valve, No Pacemaker, No Vascular Complication and No Adverse event. Patient went home happily on 3rd day of procedure; he was absolutely normal at the time of discharge and was able to resume his routine activities within next few days. This procedure was a very successful and the quickest TAVR procedure in India, said Dr. Praveen Chandra, Chairman – Interventional & Structural Heart Cardiology, Heart Institute Medanta – The Medicity.

Blood that is purified with oxygen in the lungs comes to the heart. From here, it must be pumped into the aorta to supply pure blood to the rest of the body. A valve called Aortic valve regulates this flow. The Mitral valve and Tricuspid valve regulate flow of the blood in the two sides of the heart. When any of these valves don’t open properly, they need to be replaced – and now this can be done without an open-heart surgery. The procedures are called Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR), Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) or Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement (TTVR).

Heart procedures such as these, and many others, can be very complex. During a heart procedure, there is a risk of bleeding, infections, complications due to irregular heartbeat, heart electrical problems, and sometimes even a heart attack or a stroke. These happen very rarely, but the best medical teams are those which are prepared even for the rarest eventualities. Apart from the right doctors, the right equipment and high safety standards are required for all procedures to be successful. And that’s why, a Hybrid Operating Room is of utmost importance for any hospital with cardiac care.



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