All You Need To Know About Radiation Mucositis

-Dr. Tejinder Kataria, Chairperson, Radiation Oncology, Cancer Institute, Medanta, the Medicity, Gurgaon

Radiation therapy is the treatment with high-energy X-Rays given to various cancers with the intent of either cure, downstage cancer, or palliation of painful/compressive symptoms.

The inner surface of the mouth, throat, food pipe, stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum is called mucosa or mucosal surface. When patients receive radiation to the cancers located in these areas, besides tumour breakdown the acute side-effect of inflammation of mucosa sets in. It is apparent by about 11-15th fraction of treatment or by the beginning of the third or fourth week of radiation. The inflammation of the mucosal surface is called mucositis.

The initial symptoms that the patient may have are irritation in the mouth or throat or difficulty in swallowing hard foods. Doctors can see either a reddening of the inner surface or the appearance of a white coating in the mouth or throat. Whilst on treatment, patients are seen once or twice a week by the doctors to keep a watch for the appearance of mucositis and appropriate medication. Depending upon the site of cancer the patient may have, symptoms can last from 2-6 weeks before resurfacing of normal mucosa and disappearance of symptoms.

The patients need to be made aware of this acute condition which is self-limiting as well as recovers within a specified time. Present day advanced supportive care can be managed at home. Less than 10% patient may need hospital care during radiation mucositis especially if they start losing weight or are afraid to  swallow medicines to ease the pain to maintain nutrition.

The symptom complex experienced by the patient may include:

Remedies for these symptoms

Food pipe and stomach –Patient may have


Small-intestine, colon & rectum


The most important caveat is to understand radiation mucositis is a graded response of mucosa to radiation and heals by 2-6 weeks after radiation unless there are complications like infection or tooth extractions.

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