‘Burden Of Cancer Can Be Controlled With Healthy Lifestyle, Dietary Habits’

Healthy lifestyle and dietary habits are very crucial to control cancer.

Cancer is one of the leading cuases of death across the globe. However, it burden on society can be controlled with with healthy life style and dietary habits, according to leading cancer biologist Rana P Singh. He made this statement during a two-day symposium organised by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on recent trends in cancer prevention and interception.

“Healthy lifestyle and dietary habits are very crucial to control and reduce the burden of cancer on society,” he said.

Talking about the disease, Professor Santishree Pandit, Vice-Chancellor of JNU, emphasized the need for multi-disciplinary research to contribute to the growing knowledge of cancer prevention and therapy.

Pandit also stressed an in-depth exploration of traditional medicine including Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy in the field of cancer research.

Rajesh Agarwal, Interim Chair, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Sciences, University of Colorado Denver, USA called for the attention to plant flavonoids, such as silibinin which has shown strong growth inhibitory effects on skin cancer, with strong translational potential for human skin cancer chemoprevention.

The symposium was also supported by the government’s Department of Science and Technology.

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